Laser Acupuncture Works!
Laser Acupuncture is a method of using photonic (light) energy to stimulate healing and can be used to enhance the effectiveness of...
Dr. Mick's Treatments Help Boost Immunity!
Dr. Mick carries a full line of immune system boosting herbal formulas including the "COVID-19 Shield" herbal formula mentioned in this...
What The Heck Should I Eat
Dr. Hyman provides very clear and easy to understand guidelines for healthy eating to promote optimal health, longevity and...
Fertility and IVF Support Acupuncture Without Needles Using Laser Therapy
Dr. Mick provides evidence-based, scientifically proven effective fertility and IVF support acupuncture with standard needle acupuncture...
Research Shows Acupuncture Enhances IVF Success
Acupuncture can increase the chances of getting pregnant for women undergoing fertility treatment by 50%, a review of the evidence...
Acupuncture for Weight Loss: Endorsed by the Mayo Clinic
The Mayo Clinic now has qualified acupuncturists working at their medical centers (like Dr. Mick, they hold a minimum of a Master's...
The American Medical Association Statement Regarding Dry Needling
The AMA adopted a policy that said physical therapists and other non-physicians practicing dry needling should – at a minimum – have...
Great Results For The Most Commonly Treated Conditions
Here are the conditions that people seek acupuncture for most commonly in our practice, all of which tend to get good results when...